logging off users remotely

I came across this post on stackoverflow about logging off users remotely & found it quite handy at times. Thus thought of making a note of it on my blog.

Link: http://superuser.com/questions/650816/log-off-a-disconnected-user-remotely

To check connected users on server, command is:

C:\Users\sarangb>qwinsta /server:<server-name>
 SESSIONNAME       USERNAME                 ID  STATE   TYPE        DEVICE
 services                                    0  Disc
 console                                     1  Conn
 rdp-tcp#3         user1                     3  Active  rdpwd
                   user2                     4  Disc
 rdp-tcp#0         user3                     5  Active  rdpwd
 rdp-tcp                                 65536  Listen

Note down the ID number from users you want to log off and then execute the following command:

C:\Users\sarangb>logoff 4 /server:<server-name>

If everything succeeded user with ID#4 should have been logged off.